



As part of the Department of 人力资源 website, the 员工发展中心 web link provides access to information regarding training and development opportunities; the SDC training calendar as well as access to the new employee online training library. The center also provides awareness of the educational incentives offered by the University. The 专业 Development Center implemented a Training Advisory Committee during the 2008/2009 grant cycle. The Advisory Committee seeks to identify and communicate the interest and needs of staff employees by reaffirming the link between services delivered and employee developmental needs. The committee meets on an as needed basis and serves as the central working group on training and development initiatives for staff.

Additional feedback is provided by employee focus groups and/or the Staff Senate. 在2010/2011年拨款周期, the Training Advisory Committee conducted a staff employee focus group to review the proposed online training library expansion using Business 法律 Reports, 公司., Training 图书馆 Subscription. The results of the focus group survey provided the feedback needed to move forward with the BLR subscription acquisition in the 2011/2012 grant cycle.

The center also uses employee email, 校园传单, and online news blast to inform the JSU Staff community of upcoming training opportunities and new training products. The cooperative arrangement with the 第三章-B program has enabled the JSU 专业 Development Center to collaborate with University managers and supervisors to promote and support professional development opportunities. Staff employees are encouraged to participate in campus-wide training initiatives to enhance and improve their skills. With ongoing support from the 第三章-B Program, the University will see the impact of training through:

  • 公司reased job satisfaction and morale among employees
  • 公司reased employee knowledge and skill level
  • 公司reased employee motivation and commitment
  • 公司reased efficiencies in processes
  • Enhanced University image and focus on customer service


The role of the 人力资源司 (HR) is to advance the overall mission of the University by providing quality support to the University for the following areas including, 但不限于:

Salary and 好处 Administration
Employer and Employee Relations
专业 and Workforce Development

The 人力资源司 supports the University pillars of student centeredness, 团队合作和团队合作, 追求卓越.  我们致力于追求卓越, honesty and integrity in all that we do and strive to build and maintain effective partnerships while promoting an environment in which human values and relationships are respected, 支持多样性, and people are recognized as our most valuable resource.






1400 J.R. 林奇街
杰克逊,MS 39217


P.O. 17028箱
杰克逊,MS 39217


电话:(601)979 - 2015
传真:(601)979 - 9090