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JSU网站 > JSU全球 | Jackson State University > Steps To Studying Abroad

Steps To Studying Abroad

"An Urban 研究 University - A Global Vision"

There are several steps to studying abroad at Jackson State University. When considering these steps, please note that the steps faculty-led study abroad and independent study have some differences. 

Qualification For 出国留学

1. 2.5 or higher GPA (undergrad) / 3.0 or higher GPA (graduate)

2. Have completed two full semesters at JSU and achieved sophomore standing. Must have completed one semester of graduate courses.

3. Be in good standing with the University. Students on disciplinary probation are not eligible.

4. Two letters of recommendations (not needed for the faculty-led programs).

Faculty-Led Programs

Step 1: 访问 JSU全球's website to review the faculty-led programs that are being offered.

Step 2: 应用 for one of the faculty-led programs. (Click here for list of programs)

Step 3: After receiving an email saying that you've been selected, meet with academic and 金融援助 advisers to ensure that the course will count towards graduation and that you will be able to use your 金融援助 to pay for study abroad.

Step 4:  Contact the faculty-leader and have them enroll you in their course.

步骤5: Attend the "Financing Your 出国留学" session.

Independent 出国留学

Step 1: Schedule an advising / discovery session with the study abroad coordinator.

Step 2: Meet with both academic and 金融援助 advisers to complete advising session forms.

Step 3: Schedule a follow up meeting with the study abroad coordinator.

Step 4: Start online application process.

步骤5: 应用 for passport.

Step 6: 应用 for scholarships and funding opportunities.

仍然有兴趣 ? Contact the JSU全球 office at


1400 JR 林奇圣reet
P.O. 17103箱
杰克逊,MS 39217
