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Financial Aid


Award Notification

Notifications of a student’s financial aid eligibility.

Academic Course Load

本科学生每学期平均应注册15个学分,以便在四年内毕业.  Twelve (12) credits per term are considered the minimum full-time enrollment.

Budget/Cost of Attendance (COA)

Each institution must establish a budget that will be used to award student aid.  澳门皇冠体育的预算是基于某些类别:州内本科生, Out-of-State Undergraduate students, In-State Graduate students, Out-of-State Graduate students, and Summer Developmental Students.  预算/出勤费用(COA)包括学费的估计费用(基于每学期12学分), tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, transportation, and personal expenses (laundry, toothpaste, clothing, etc.).  A student’s actual expenses will vary, depending on the number of credits hours enrolled and the student’s living expenses.


拖欠是指学生/借款人未能按照在本票上签字时所同意的条款偿还贷款.  Default,  also,  may result from failure to submit requests for deferment, forbearance or cancellation on time.  The consequences of default are severe (i.e. garnishing of wages, bad credit, garnishing of tax refunds, etc.)


Disbursement is the application of funds to a student’s account.  If funds are remaining after university charges are paid, then the student will have a disbursement to them, 通过电子资金转移到他们的个人银行账户或通过邮寄支票(根据他们在支付授权声明上的指定).

Eligible Non-Citizen

According to federal guidelines, eligible non-citizen includes:

  • U.S. nationals
  • U.S. permanent resident who hold either a I-151, I-551 or I-551C card
  • Holders of the I-94 form with a notation of Refugee/Asylum Granted /Cuban-Haitian Entrant, Status Pending or conditional Entrant (if issued before April 1, 1980), or Parolee (if paroled for at least 1 year, with evidence provided to USCIS that residence is for other than temporary purpose).
  • Note: The following statuses are ineligible for aid:
    • F, G, or J series visa holders
    • I-171 or I-464 holders


Expected Family Contribution (EFC)

When a FAFSA is filed with the federal government, 联邦处理者使用联邦法规制定的公式来确定“预期家庭贡献(EFC)”。.  EFC(理论上)是学生及其家庭应该支付的学费.  The federal formula takes into account many factors, including number of people in the family, number in college, 居住的州(有些州有州税或销售税)和年长父母的年龄.  Per federal rules, the EFC is used in calculating the student’s eligibility for aid; even if, the family/parents cannot or will not contribute to the student’s education.  While costs the at schools will be different, the EFC will stay the same.

Federal Work-Study

联邦工作学习(FWS)是一项基于需求的工作计划,允许学生在JSU注册期间赚钱.  This program is limited in funding. 鼓励学生每年早些时候(在1月1日之后尽快)完成FAFSA,以便考虑联邦工作学习.

Financial Need


Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)是联邦申请,必须完成联邦考虑, state, university grants, work-study and loans (including the Federal Stafford, Federal Loan for Parents-PLUS and Grad Plus for Graduates).  The FAFSA data is used to determine a student’s financial need for need-based aid and EFC.

Loan Entrance Counseling

According to federal requirements, 学生必须在收到第一笔贷款之前完成入学贷款咨询.  这个咨询会议是用来告诉学生他们的权利和责任,作为借款人.  JSU provides this session online at

Loan Exit Counseling

According to federal requirements, 获得联邦教育贷款的学生必须在毕业或终止入学时完成贷款退出咨询.  JSU provides this session online at


An institution who provides money for loans.  Most lenders are financial institutions, but lenders may also be state agencies or schools.

Merit-based Financial Aid


Master Promissory Note (MPN)

主本票(MPN)是借款人在获得学生贷款之前必须签署的具有约束力的法律文件.  它列出了借款条件和学生同意偿还贷款的条款.  The MPN will include information about the grace period, interest rate, deferment, forbearance, 关于贷款的取消条款和借款人的权利和责任借款人阅读并保存本文件以备将来偿还贷款时参考是非常重要的.  The Master Promissory Note is a one-time promissory note signed by all loans borrowed at JSU, as long as they fall under certain conditions.  有关主本票的任何问题,请联系财务援助办公室或贷款人.

National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS)

国家学生贷款数据库系统是一个收集学生贷款信息的联邦网站.  By using your Federal Student Aid ID (FSA ID), the student can get information on their federal loans, grants, outstanding balances, loan status and disbursements.  Note: NSLDS in not a real-time database.  各机构每月更新nsds,因此所显示的数据可能无法反映最近的变化.

Need-based Financial Aid

Financial Aid awarded based on a student’s or family’s financial status.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Per federal requirements, 学校必须制定学生必须达到的最低标准,以显示足够的学术进步(满意的学术进步标准- SSAP),以继续获得资助资格.  Please see the JSU catalog for more information.

Selected for Verification

完成FAFSA的学生中一定比例的学生将被联邦处理人员选中进行验证.  然后,学校将要求所需的文件来验证FAFSA上报告的数据.  This may include federal income tax return transcripts, verification worksheets and/or other documents.  财务援助办公室要求的文件通知将发送到学生的JSU PAWS账户.

Student Aid Report (SAR)

Upon completion of the FAFSA, the student will receive a Student Aid Report (SAR).  Once the FAFSA is complete online, this summary will be provided to the student online.  If the student  completed the paper application, this form will be mailed to the student.  重要的是要审查SAR上的信息,并阅读联邦处理者注意到的所有评论,因为有时需要额外的信息来完成处理.

Verification Worksheet



To officially withdraw from Jackson State University, 学生必须联系本科学习,电话:601-979-2127和注册办公室(601-979-2300).  All courses attempted,  including withdrawals, will be used to determine Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).

Let Us Help You



Jackson State University’s priority deadline is April 15th each year.

Access Financial Aid FormsClick Here

Frequently asked questions concerning Financial Aid. Click Here


To prevent a delay in processing your documents, please be sure to:

  • Verify documents are filled completely, legible and signed.
  • Check that documents that require a signature have HANDWRITTEN signatures; no typed or electronic signatures are acceptable.
  • Verify that all documents contain the student’s name and J-Number.

*Business days do not include the weekends, holidays, and all other unspecified days the university is closed.

Division of Financial Aid


Jackson State University
Financial Aid Office
PO Box 17065
Jackson, MS 39217

Phone: (866)THEEJSU/ (866-843-3578)
Fax: (601) 979-2237